Volume 32, Issue 1, 2023

DOI: 10.24205/03276716.2023.7006

Garbage Waste Management Using an Open Loop Approach

Population growth, urbanisation, and industrialisation will all rise in the actual world. These increased the rate at which municipal solid garbage was produced. The way solid waste is currently disposed of may be contributing to an expanding issue. It has the potential to change the previously reliable trash disposal procedure; it needs to be shown sustainably. In order to maximise the use of resources, this study suggests a circular economy model. It also lowers waste through an open-loop strategy, which is suitable for waste management. IoT-enabled smart governance for trash management. The Internet of Things is used as the driving innovation in waste management and is regarded as one of the most significant forerunners of technological advancement. The circular economy model is better than the linear economy model. They provide better accuracy, runtime as well as efficiency.

circular economy, open-loop approach, government recycling program, IoT, waste management, Zero waste

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